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Victoria Government Gazette

Disclosure of Private Information

Please note that information published in the Gazette is fully discoverable on-line through search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Therefore, notices that include both a person's name and private address when submitted for publication must be accompanied by a signed 'Public Disclosure of Information in the Government Gazette' form. Alternatively, where there is no legislative requirement to publish full details, it may be appropriate to modify the copy, for example, by deleting the private address entirely or substituting a business address for the private address.

Placing a Notice

There are two main categories of material in the Gazette: "Private Notices" and "Government and Outer Budget Sector Notices"

Private Notices

These include:
  • Dissolution of partnerships
  • Notices to creditors
  • Sales by the Sheriff
The deadline for copy for each Thursday's Gazette is 9.30 am the previous Monday. Payment must be received with the copy.
  • Dissolution of partnerships and notices to creditors: $0.45 per word.
  • Sales by the Sheriff, unclaimed moneys and commercial advertisements: $6.50 per column cm.

If paying by credit card
Send your copy to the below email address and you will receive an invoice with details for payment by credit card or EFT.

Optional additions, which should be clearly requested in your covering letter, are:
  • copy of your notice after publication: $2.30 per page
  • a complete copy of the Gazette posted to you after publication: $4.60

All charges include GST.

A proof of the notice will be emailed through to you prior to publication. Please supply the relevant name, telephone and email address of the person who will approve the notice.
A written 'OK' by email must be received by this office by no later than 5pm on Monday prior to Thursday's publication of the Gazette. If a written 'OK' isn't received by the deadline then the notice cannot be published. No additions or amendments will be accepted over the telephone; all changes must be in writing. If changes are made to the original copy received by this office then a fee will be incurred for additional changes and an amended proof.

Please Note: If changes are made to the original copy received by this office then a $44 fee will be incurred for additional changes and an amended proof/s.

Government and Outer Budget Sector Agencies

Government and outer budget sector agencies that require contractual details on the Victoria Government Gazette Publishing and Printing Contract for procurement purposes can obtain the information from the Buying for Victoria website at:

Please note that the Victoria Government Gazette Publishing and Printing Contract does not fall under Victorian State Purchase Contracts. This is because it is a niche publishing service provided to the whole of Victorian government.

The deadline for copy for each Thursday's Gazette is 9.30 am the Tuesday of that week. Prepayment is not required.

The cost to publish notices is $91.30 per page or $6.50 per column cm including GST.

A 15% discount applies to emailed copy if there are no changes required.
Late notices incur a 10% surcharge, if they are accepted. Late withdrawal of a notice incurs a charge of 50% of the full advertising rate to cover the cost of typesetting, layout and proofreading.

Please Note: If changes are made to the original copy received by this office then a $44 fee will be incurred for additional changes and an amended proof/s.

Copy must be emailed to
Text must be supplied in a Word file and logos and maps must be supplied in a PDF file.

Your email should include the following information, a name and address for invoicing purposes. A proof of the notice will be emailed through to you prior to publication. Please supply the relevant name, telephone and email address of the person who will approve the notice. A written 'OK' (email) must be received by this office by 3pm on Tuesday prior to Thursday's publication of the Gazette. If a written 'OK' isn't received by the deadline then the notice cannot be published and the Government Department will be charged 50% of the full advertising rate to cover the cost of typesetting, layout and proofreading. No additions or amendments will be accepted over the telephone; all changes must be in writing.

Orders in Council may be lodged prior to receiving assent with the Governor's or Clerk's signature. They will be published only after they are approved and signed.

Advertisers Please Note

  • Copy received after the deadline will be placed in the following issue of the VGG irrespective of any date/s mentioned in the copy (unless otherwise advised).
  • Accounts over 90 days will be issued with a letter of demand.

The Victoria Government Gazette

Ground Floor, Building 8
658 Church Street, Richmond 3121. Victoria.

Phone: +61 3 8523 4601